Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Improving Speaking Ability through Discussion for 11st Grade of Senior High School


This chapter presents the general account of the present study. It covers background of the study, purpose of the study, and research questions.

1.1  Background of the Study
Students learn English since they were in Elementary school until senior high school, but many of them cannot use English in communicative conversation. Ian Briggs in a seminar “Towards More Innovative and Communicative English Language Teaching” said that many students who graduated from senior high school cannot use English well. The students learn about the theory but less in the practice English. According to Siregar (1988: 6) teaching English is more focus on grammatical aspect than communicative aspect. Students can get a good score on test but in real situation they cannot speak in English even though for answering the teacher question. So, teaching should be directed to how a language learned for a tool of communication not for as knowledge only.
The students speaking ability can be influenced by the low braveness of students to try speak up in the class. According to Somantri (2005) most of the students are nervous if their teacher ask question in English to them. The students do not know what their teacher means about and they do not know what must they answer from the question that given. Here the students are not commonly use English in speaking. So, they cannot express their idea or what is on their mind using English in communication supported by Kridalaksana (1971: 26) said that although the students have learned English for years, they cannot express their ideas and their feelings in English systematically, clearly and smoothly.
Speaking is one of important skills in learning English that should be studied. The speaking should improve student’s communicative skills, because students can express themselves and learn how to communicate to other people.
Speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts (Chaney, 1998: 13). Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. It shows that you are able in English or not. Students have to speak up to deliver what is on their mind and to communicate to other people. Ur (1984: 7) points out that in ordinary conversation or even in much extempore speech-making or lecturing we actually say a good deal more than would appear to be necessary in order to convey our message. In a fact, sometimes students are difficult to speak up in front of the class using English. They just do not have any braveness to start speak and do not have lot of words in their minds.
According to Wikipedia (2011) discussion is a communication interaction between two people or more. This method hopes students can be able to work in a team, improving their interpersonal skills and independence. Besides, they are also going to be encouraged, innovated, have creativity, trough deep learning and require (Cannon, 2000).
Based on the problems above, the writer conducts with discussion method for improving speaking ability as the problem solving.

1.2 Purpose of the Study
This study seeks to develop speaking ability by using discussion for 11st grade students of Senior High School. This research aims to
1)      examine the processes involved in developing speaking ability through discussion in class,
2)      recognize the student’s and teacher’s responses toward the discussion method,
3)      evaluate the result of speaking ability before and after being exposed by discussion.

1.3 Research Questions
In the line with the above-mentioned purposes, the problems of the present formulated in the following research questions:
1)      What are the processes involved in developing speaking ability through discussion?
2)      What are teacher’s and student’s responses to the application of discussion?
3)      What are the effects of using discussion in speaking class?

Theoretical Foundation

This chapter presents three main points. They are speaking, discussion, and Senior High School students.

2.1. Speaking
2.1.1. Definition of Speaking
There are various definitions of speaking and one of them that the writer agrees with is from Jones (1989) who defined speaking is a form of communication, so it is important that what you say conveyed in the most effective way. According to Chaney (1998: 13) speaking is the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non-verbal symbols, in a variety of contexts. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and teaching. It shows that you are able in English or not. Students have to speak up to deliver what is on their mind and to communicate to other people. Ur (1984: 7) points out that in ordinary conversation or even in much extempore speech-making or lecturing we actually say a good deal more than would appear to be necessary in order to convey our message.

2.1.2. Kinds of Speaking
Kinds of speaking can be divided into two, one direction speaking and two direction speaking (wiwit, 2011):
1)   One direction speaking
Is a form of communication one direction, with the one as a speaking and other as a listener.
1)   Talk
2)   Speech
2)   Two direction speaking
It has main characteristic the changing position between the speaker and the listener. In a one occasion the speaker become the listener and also the listener become the speaker and it happens until the end of conversation.
1)   Discussion
2)   Debat
3)   Seminar
4)   Simposium

2.1.3. Method in Teaching Speakiing
According to Hafitsa (2010) there are some methods used in teaching speaking are:

1)      Audio lingual method
In audio lingual method, teacher must create the students to be able use the target language by using habit formation models of learning.
In a typical audio lingual lesson, the following procedures would be observed:
1)      Students first hear a model (either read by teacher or on tape) containing the key structures that are focused of the lesson. They are repeating each line of the dialogue individually and in chorus.
2)      The dialogue is adapted to the student’s interest or the situation, through changing certain key words. This is acted out by the students.
3)      Certain key structures from the dialogue are selected use as the basic for pattern drills of different kinds.
4)      The students may refer to their text book, and follow-up reading, writing or vocabulary activities based on the dialogue may be introduced.
5)      Follow-up activities may take place in the dialogue laboratory where further dialogue and drill work is carried out.
2)      communicative language teaching
Communicative approach is an approach used in language teaching that aims is to make the students have communicative competence, as stated by Brown (1987:69), “the communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language communication. The goal of language teaching is communicative competence”.
Some of the characteristics of this communicative view of language are as follows:
1)      Language is a system for the expression of meaning.
2)      The primary function of language is for interaction and communication.
3)      The structure of language reflects its functional and uses.
4)      The primary units of language are not merely in grammatical and structural features, but categories of functional and communicative meaning.

2.2. Discussion
2.2.1. Definition of discussion
According to Wikipedia (2011) discussion is a communication interaction between two people or more. Their communications are usually as a knowledge or background knowledge and then give good understanding. Discussion begun with talking about topic then produce an understanding.Discussion is one of method that can help student when students are talking with other students and also practice to delivering ideas (Cannon, 2000). This method hopes students can be able to work in a team, improving their interpersonal skills and independence. Besides, they are also going to be encouraged, innovated, have creativity, trough deep learning and require
2.2.2. Kinds of discussion
There are eleven kinds of discussion grouped by the form (Amir, 2008):
1)             Whole Group, is a big group discussion (pleno, klasikal, paripurna dsb.)
2)           Buz Group is a small group discussion that consists of 4-5 person.
3)           Panel, is a small group discussion (3-6 person) that discuss about certain object in a circle form and lead by one moderator.
4)            Syndicate Group is a form of discussion with divide the class into small group consist of 3-6 person and everyone has different job.
5)           Brainstorming, a group delivers new ideas without any scoring, analyzed in a short time.
6)           Symposium is a form of discussion that discuss any aspect of certain subject.
7)             Informal Debate is a form of discussion that divide the class into two group who pro and contra. The steps are: delivering the problems, collecting the data, finishing alternative, and find out the best solution.
8)             Fish Bowl, is a discussion with some of participants and guided by a leader and takes the decision. In a circles form.
9)             Seminar, as a discussion that often use in teaching learning process. Generally, seminar is a discussion to discuss a certain problem and give the suggestions and ideas to get the decision.
10)         Lokakarya/widya karya, is a investigation a certain problem through the meeting and delivering a suggestion and ideas and deep discussion.

2.3. Senior High School Students
2.3.1. Definition of senior high school
Senior high school is one of the education level that participated by the Indonesian young generation formally. This level is very strategic and critic for the development and feature of students. This level gives opportunity to the students to prepare the next education and prepare for working. Psychologically, this level is the process for being adult for the students. Students can identify profession and their identity. According to Buhler (2000) in that age someone is in “finding identity” that is between 13-19 years.

2.3.2. Characteristic of Senior High School Students
According to Monks (2004) phases of adolescent is 12-21 years, 12-15 years is the beginning adolescent, 15-18 years is the middle adolescent, and 18-21 years is the end of adolescent.

Characteristic of senior high school students:
1)        Unbalance between the high and weigh
2)        Appear a desire to learn and use the foreign language
3)        Disposed ambivalence between the desirability to be alone and desirability to commune with many people and desirability to be free from the domination with guidance and helpful from the parents.
4)        The labile of reaction and emotion.

Methodology of the Research
            This chapter presents the research methodology of the present study. It covers research problem, research design, research site and participants, data collection, and schedule.

3.1 Research Problem
The focus of this study is to teach students speaking trough discussion. The problem of this research is:
1)      What are the student’s responses to the application of discussion?

3.2 Research Design
The research design that is used by the writer is Pre-Experimental that is one shot case study in which the writer do the treatment to the participants in the class before and then the writer give the test to the participants based on the treatment.
This research uses some instrument like observation and interview. This research supposes to get the data from the participant’s responses directly from the treatment. Observation uses when the treatment is going on the teaching learning activity. It is intended to get the data of real progress of condition in teaching learning activity during the treatment. Interview uses when the treatment has finally done. It is intended to get the deeper information from the participants itself anything about the treatment.

3.3 Research Site and Participants
       The writer takes 20 students of the 11st grade of SMA N 1 who be the source of data for this research. The teen students are only taken from one class, 11A.

3.4 Research Collection
The techniques uses in collecting the data will be form observation and interview.
No Research Question Type of Data How to take the data Time How to Analyze
1. No.1 Student’s response Observation

During treatment
After treatment
Qualitative Descriptive
Qualitative Descriptive

3.5 Schedule
No Activity
December January February
1 Making Instrument                        
2 Doing Treatment                        
3 Doing Observation                        
4 Interview                        
5 Reporting the Research                        

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